Since the 24-7 information feed from Western civilization’s fast-disintegrating way of life is disheartening beyond description, here, for you and me, are two facts about Trump of which we can remind ourselves in our daily struggles to both guard our inner lives against his toxicity and shut down his regime for good.
1.) The first, and maybe obvious, piece of good news is that, with few exceptions, people who have associated themselves with Donald Trump in his real estate/media/political career ultimately end up hating him and, often, wanting to hurt him. Like a mob boss with a memory disorder, Trump constantly creates new lethal enemies by simply being himself: a temptingly powerful but utterly crooked operator who will tell anyone anything and deny it the next day. Every month these days, the landscape is crawling with more characters who sold themselves out for Trump only to awaken gasping in swamp graves. Perennial enemies are worse than zombies: you can’t kill all of them.
2.) The second, and more broadly uplifting, good news is that American corporate rule, represented most ruthlessly by the Republicans (although the Democrats follow not too far behind as a timid second), has become so self-destructively greedy that it now has only two remaining plausible pitches it can make to try to dissuade the non-rich from storming the estates of the one percent. One of these last-ditch offerings is Trumped-up fake populism that admits that the system is rigged while offering ravaged post-industrial want-to-be-working people the same old disproven trickle-down lies of lower taxes for the rich and permissiveness toward dirty and rapacious industry. The other is white patriarchal fear and hatred toward women, blacks, browns, LGBTQ people, Muslims, and other targets for the displaced rage of a Caucasian American constituency that has subsisted on a manufactured sense of superiority for centuries. What is nefariously effective about the second option is that it not only distracts angry white people from attacking the rich but also alienates them from the very allies they need in order to have any hope of making America the fair and prosperous place they want it to be.
To be sure, this is one hell of a trap for non-rich Americans of all genders, colors, orientations, and backgrounds.
But it also shows that voracious corporate monarchy is just about out of options for successfully explaining itself to you and me as we pay the price for its suicidal destructiveness.
We can work with that opportunity.