Not that it takes a nation’s founding document to dwarf His Littleness. A baby woodchuck with a bad case of loose bowels would dwarf Trump in both mental and constitutional fortitude.
But hearing our orange-crested presidential critter yowl about the nuisance of constitutionality really does set a new, tinier standard for globally lethal ninny dictatorhood.
As you may have heard:
In a series of tweets early in the morning after Friday’s ruling by the Seattle judge James Robart, the president wrote: “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”
Trump also wrote: “When a country is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot , come in & out, especially for reasons of safety & security – big trouble!”
So Tweety Boy is irritated that the nation’s judiciary does not support his whim to ban travelers from seven primarily Muslim countries.
Funny: he doesn’t rant that way about judges and the authority of the judiciary when he is putting forth a Supreme Court nominee who he hopes will enforce his agenda. Nor does he mock or malign state attorneys general when they use the courts to resist Washington imperatives like LGBT rights and oversight of police violence against unarmed civilians.
In fact, when it comes to the role of the Supreme Court or the conservative holy grail of States’ Rights (say, Texas’ ability to legally decimate the federally-protected right to abortion), Tweety seems really, really big on a strong judiciary.
So how come it’s the end of the world when the attorneys general of Virginia and New York and Massachusetts and Washington go to court to avoid being forced into unconstitutional discrimination at their own airports?
But Trump has already answered that question: Tweety wants what Tweety wants. Today he craves creamed carrots. The next day he heaves them against the wall from his SpongeBob bowl. It’s what little creatures do.
Time for the grownups to put Tweety Boy to bed.