This is not partisan fiction. It isn’t the routine fake outrage of Fox News or yet another algorithmically-designed online whopper. It is the demonstrated factual truth: President Donald Trump, known racist, misogynist encourager of murderous white supremacists, banner of Muslims, and jailer of children ripped from their refugee families, has now capped his criminality by committing actual legally-defined treason: aiding and abetting an attack by a foreign government on the very nation he purports to lead.
On July 16 in Helsinki, standing a few feet away from the threat of President Vladimir Putin, Trump proved to even the most cowardly of his backers —the fleeing Paul Ryan, the concave Mitch McConnell, the whole worthless lot of the Republican leadership — that he as president will serve or betray anyone, any time, in any way that suits his own immediate interest. Especially as he withered under the plutonium stare of an 18-year autocrat — the man who helped to make him president — who very possibly has the means to handily kill Trump if the need arises.
You, like many of us, may see that we are fast running out of mainstream options for dealing with the Trump problem.
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the money-trained Democratic leadership know no language for responding to being beaten with a steel bar and left for dead behind a garage. Mainstream reporters, now emboldened to openly use terms like “disgraceful” to describe Trump’s conduct, are straining for words to spur peaceable corrective action in the electorate. Republican leaders, who didn’t figure that their downward slope of moral cave-ins to racism and plutocracy would corner them into siding with a man who is willing to sell out America’s republic of good white people, are responding to Traitor Trump with murmurs of protest, clinging to hope that he will in the coming hours and days rephrase the past 24 hours’ impeachable thoughts.
He might. By the time you read this, Trump, at a safe distance from enforcer Putin, may very well have back-pedaled on his words for the sake of sustaining the state of chaotic demolition that is his best grip on power. What the nation — and the world — lose in coherent thought and understanding of his regime, Trump gains in his ability to maneuver and manipulate. There’s no telling what will happen. That’s the deliberate idea.
Meanwhile, the two fundamentals of Trump Nation continue to be a policy mandate of globally suicidal economic pillage and environmental destruction, and the goaded immorality of a white base too drunk on the lie of regained racial glory to notice the hastening of their own extinction.
So what do we do when our head of state is a real-life monstrous factually-verified criminal willing to sacrifice civilization for power, and a sizable chunk of the state’s enforcers (read: ICE, National Guard troops, police, prison staff, Congress), along with a nasty bloc of voters, have consented to be his collaborators?
One thing is certain: our current American mainstream, safely indoors with its indignant but toothless dissent, offers no answers.